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Approximately 30% of adults in the U.S. undergo lab work annually, yet many do not follow up on abnormal results or understand their significance. Lab work is essential in diagnosing various conditions and ensuring your body is functioning correctly. It allows healthcare providers to detect issues early on, potentially preventing more severe health problems. This proactive approach can significantly impact both your professional and personal life.

Every year, numerous adults face the consequences of unaddressed abnormal lab results. Studies have indicated that individuals often experience confusion and anxiety due to a lack of understanding of their lab work, leading to unnecessary stress and concern about their health.

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Lab work in adults presents a unique set of challenges and associated conditions. The most common related problems include

Diabetes Many adults undergo lab work that reveals prediabetes or diabetes, requiring immediate attention.

High Cholesterol Elevated cholesterol levels, a common find in lab results, can increase the risk of heart disease.

Thyroid Disorders Lab work can detect thyroid issues, which affect metabolism and energy levels.

Kidney Function Abnormal lab results can indicate kidney function issues, affecting overall health.

Liver Function Lab tests help in identifying liver conditions, which are crucial for metabolism and detoxification.

Anemia A condition characterized by a lack of healthy red blood cells.

Infection Including viral and bacterial infections, detected through specific lab tests.

Depending on your situation, your doctor might suggest different follow-up actions, including further testing, medication, or lifestyle changes.

Our Services

At Lyons Primary Care Group, we take a comprehensive approach to managing your lab work as an adult. We assess your health history, lifestyle, personal goals, and how lab results uniquely affect you. Our lab work management service is tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of anyone looking for clarity and understanding of their lab results to lead a healthier, more comfortable life.


Access to effective follow-up options is crucial in addressing abnormalities found in lab work. Our providers conduct thorough evaluations to recommend safe and appropriate actions, such as antihistamines, decongestants, nasal corticosteroids, allergy shots (Immunotherapy), and leukotriene inhibitors. Monitoring is ongoing, with adjustments made as necessary to ensure the best outcomes while upholding the highest health standards. We collaborate with you to create a plan that integrates seamlessly into your life, making your journey toward understanding and acting on your lab work both successful and sustainable.

While follow-up on lab work is essential, it is important to consult a qualified healthcare provider to prescribe the right course of action for you.

Lyons Primary Care Group’s health care specialists have reviewed this content for educational purposes. It's not intended to replace your doctor's advice. Please discuss any questions or concerns with your provider.


